Friday, March 12, 2010

The Latest

It's been a busy week and I've hardly been home, which doesn't really work too well when planning wedding stuff. I'm glad to have seen my grandma and chat with her for over an hour on Wednesday and had a wonderful dinner with some friends too. But the planning continues...

We met with our officiant, Julie Cooper, last night over cocktails and food and had a fun time getting to know each other more.

I had my first dress fitting with Darcy of Fragile Fit last Saturday. I don't know what I was expecting but I was in and out in about 20 minutes flat! I put on the dress with my silvery shoes, she pinned, she bustled and I said everything looked good and away I went. I'll go back on April 3rd for the second fitting.

I also worked on some wedding decor type stuff with Christine on Saturday after the fitting. We finished some garlands, discussed some other decorations we will have and had a fun afternoon. We also looked into what it would take to order wholesale flowers and have them delivered but I think I've decided to just have my florist do everything.

Speaking of florists, Kristen of Denney-Designs emailed me this week to tell me we had to order flowers NOW and payment was due. It kind of freaked me out because it seemed so early for that. After several emails and questions of what we want and discusson on costs, I finally called her and my last question to her was "and I just want to make sure, but is this early for ordering flowers? The wedding is May 22 and it just seems early to me." Well, she thought we were ordering for March 22 even though she had May 22 on the contract. Phew! At least we made some decisions on things and are pretty much set until the order gets made in a couple of months.

We also found a couple of cake stands at Costco last weekend...two come in a box for $19.99. I think we are going to also borrow some from a few friends and family and hopefully we are set. It's hard to know exactly how many we need until we get a full headcount but at least we know that Costco has more if we need them.

Lastly, we have a box full of 150 paper lanterns in gold and white in our garage. I can't wait to see how they look all hung up when the day comes.

Happy weekend!

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